It was many years ago that I experienced with my own body just how powerful the effects of
craniosacral bodywork can be. I had been suffering from pain for a long time before
arranging to get some craniosacral sessions for myself. The pain stopped and didn’t come
back. “I want to be able to do that,” I said to myself.
At the time I was in training as a physiotherapist, which I completed in 1999. For almost 13
years I worked in this profession with a focus on neurology. But I always retained my
ambition to learn the techniques of craniosacral bodywork.
In 2008 I put this into practice, starting a course of studies with Wolfgang Rühle. Since 2011 I
have been a certified craniosacral bodyworker.
Sometime later, after completing this CS training, I registered for an advanced training
course for work with pregnant women, babies and children. By this time I myself was the
mother of two children and on the way to the seminar I thought back to my own
pregnancies, the births of my children and the challenges of everyday family life. “Don’t I
actually need more distance from all this instead of integrating it into my work?” I asked
myself. “What am I actually doing here?” But as soon as the course began I knew for sure:
this is my theme. States of exhaustion, post-natal depression, worries about the children – I
have all experienced all these things myself as a woman and mother. And it’s precisely here
that, with my work, I’m able to give special support to pregnant women, children and
Since then I have continued to learn and train in work with pregnant women, babies and
children. In recent years I have participated in seminars on themes such as prenatal
experience and birth with Dr. Angelika Schultz, treatment of pregnant women and children
with Dr. Joelle Aimée Toulouse and treatment of children and families with Joachim
“Creating inner motion with hands and experience”
With my hands I offer the body both time and space in which it can subtly move, in which
inner motion can take place and thus enable a balance both physical and emotional to be
reached. Drawing on my experience I support pregnant women, mothers, children and
families in dealing with difficult situations. For me, this work is always a source of strength
and energy – also for me as a practitioner.
Training in craniosacral bodywork
- Wolfgang Rühle 2008-2011
Advanced training courses
- Helmut Kinon
- Dr. med. Angelika Schultz
- Klaus Poschmann
- Dr. Joelle Aimée Toulouse
- Joachim Lichtenberg
- Wolfgang Rühle
- Claudia Köhler